CTG Tuning Revision

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This will allow you to request a revision for any CTG tuned Vehicle. 

Basic revisions ; grid heater delete. basic fixed vane swap, WIF light disable etc 

Advanced revisions: Added fuel, Big turbo, compound turbo, advanced TCM calibrations,  Trans swap, Hiss Tunes, lope tunes, 10 BAR map or custom sensors are done for a fee of $150.

 Rush revisions are also done for a fee

**Basic revision 7-14 business day 

**Advanced 5-10 business day 

**Rush revision typically within 4 business days  

Time frames are estimated not exact, may take longer or less time depending on work load 

If you need a revision, chances are pretty good we need a data log. have one provided/ Sent in with a legitimate description of the issue 

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